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Movie theater Juvan Kino

Movie theater Juvan Kino offers the best film viewing experiences and the newest movies for the entire family.


Stay at home if you are sick – come to the movies only if you are healthy and symptom-free

We are maintaining the 1 m safety distance, so fewer seats are available than usual

Keep distance from others

Wash your hands and cough in your sleeve

Next on the movie screen:

The list updates at 6 am, 12 pm and 4 pm. Look at the real-time situation here.

Payment methods

We accept most debit and credit cards, and exercise and culture benefit as paper vouchers (Smartum voucher) and SpartumPay mobile app. If you are using the exercise and culture benefit, please notice that the benefit is personal, so you can only purchase one ticket per movie screening. The tickets are non-refundable, and the surplus cannot be used for other people’s tickets.

Inquiries, information, movie requests

Himanen Tarja

Youth and well-being coordinator

040 707 8243


Youth services unit and well-being coordination, Juvan Kino’s activity